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Combating Depression While Aging

Depression affects millions of seniors worldwide, but it is not an essential part of aging. Depression impacts the lives of the elderly and makes it difficult for them to recover from illness and injury if left untreated. Recognizing the signs of depression and taking steps to combat it can go a long way to supporting the well-being of your loved ones.

The signs of depression are not always evident among older adults. While sadness is a common sign, other symptoms to be aware of include changes in appetite, changes in sleeping patterns, lack of energy, lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed, memory problems, and complaints about aches and pains.

If you notice these signs, you must talk to your elderly or caregiver about such issues. Evaluating them to take proper preventive measures can help manage the condition. A few ways how you can help to reduce the risk of depression are:

1.Reduce Isolation

2.Promote Physical Activity

3.Try something new

4.Coordinate in-home care

Enroll in elderly classes

Depression is often overlooked as it is difficult to recognize its signs and symptoms, especially in the elderly. Contact us today if you have an elderly who might be experiencing these symptoms or need care.


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